Welcome to the fly-tech Academy.
During the e-learning you will learn what you need to pay attention to as a user if you want to move safely in a digital environment. In order to create access to the learning content for all participants, we avoid using technical terms as far as possible and explain even complex contexts in easily understandable terms.
We attach great importance to a varied and entertaining preparation of the content and invite you to familiarise yourself with the following topics in eight interactive modules.
You can generate a new password here:: https://fly-tech-elearning.de/fly-tech-academy/?action=lostpassword
Passwort vergessen
Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse oder Ihren Benutzernamen ein und wir senden Ihnen die Zugangsdaten.
Course overview

After you have logged in, the respective activated course appears. To start the e-learning, click on the corresponding Course.
After you have completed the e-learning, go back to the course overview. A certificate symbol appears in the training tile. There you have the possibility to download the certificate.
If you have any questions or problems about the training. Please contact: Beratung@fly-tech.de
Under the following link you have the possibility to request a new password: https://fly-tech-elearning.de/fly-tech-academy/?action=lostpassword